07 Apr

HAYWAY podcast episode 2

In breaking news this hour…we are actually doing this cycle trip thing. We left from London on April 4th and recorded the second episode of our podcast soon after we boarded the ferry at Harwich bound for the Netherlands.

As always your tips and feedback are welcome.


10 thoughts on “HAYWAY podcast episode 2

  1. Hello Baden, Shelley,
    This is Bas, your Tilburg host. Just found your website, will surely keep on following your developing story over the next months. All the best and enjoy this day along the canal to Eindhoven! Dense fog this early morning, but it will disappear soon.

    • Thanks so much Bas! We loved the route today, it was such smooth riding alongside the canal. The Hovenring is unreal, I think Eindhoven needs more of them 😉

      We’re sitting in Cafe Wilhelmina with a beer this afternoon feeling pretty lucky.

      Enjoy your trip from Kiev to Romania in September, all the best.
      Shelley & Baden

  2. love listening to you, it’s a bit like having you over for dinner.
    Make sure you get a Printen biscuit in Aachen for hard times.

  3. Baden and Shelley

    Enjoyed podcast #2. Thanks for all the biannual/annual visits in Hartham Road, I’m going to miss stopovers in London. Sorry but Berlin next.

    Will look forward to HAYWAY podcast # 3 from Maarstricht.


  4. Hi Guys! We just ate the leftover soup while listening to your podcast – as if it were Wednesday evening still. 🙂 Best of luck now you’ve (probably) left the Netherlands. Can’t believe the weather you brought with you – unfortunately we have to catch up work after talking your ears off the other night… Looking forward to hearing the next podcast(s)!

  5. Just got my lazy ass around to listening to this! Nice hearing your voices and hearing what you’re up to. Although, we skyped just before you got on the ferry ha. Can’t wait for #3 🙂

    Love you guys xo

  6. Flatness and friendliness? If all fails you can get a job for a tourist board.

    Yorkshire tea rocks. Like everything from Yorkshire. X

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