Podcast 13 – Lisbon II
Finally a whole week off the bikes! Shelley spends some of it jetting back to London while Baden finds things to do in Lisbon like feeding his face and listening to stories. We wrap up our final week in Portugal. You will be rewarded with some more stunning photography when you click through to this post.

Clockwise from top left: On the aquaduct. View from below the aquaduct. Our house and host in Lisbon. Nuno Libório & José Branco from LisbonStorySailors.pt. Miguel Clarinha, Manager at Pasteis de Belem.

Clockwise from bottom left: Baden with mascot of the Lisbon Oceanarium. Shell and some fish. Tram No. 28. View from the tram. Podcasting on the sleeper train to Madrid.
For those who were paying attention to the podcast and have too much time on their hands, you can follow this link to see Diogo Alves’ preserved head and this one for a wonderful website dedicated to the Ocean Sunfish..
Great to hear your voices again! Shelley about the flight over Portugal; I had the same experience flying back home over France and Belgium……… I biked downthere! You are leaving Europe now. Some of the two of you will always stay here……….. very good memories! Be careful out there!
Hey Johann, thanks for that. We will try to be careful. It was our first day back on the bikes today and I thought of you. Wishing you were with us, or at least meeting us for a beer and dinner at the end of the day! It is very hot and we are feeling a bit unsure of ourselves right now. We’ll get the hang of it though.
Hi Shelley and Baden. Just wanted to drop you a line and let you know that I’m listening to the podcasts. Great to hear of your experiences. It’s awesome that you’re fulfilling your dreams. I have lots of “laugh out loud” moments at Badens jokes! It’s so lovely to hear the happiness in your voices. Wishing you all the best and safe travels xxxx briar
Briar!! Thanks so much for the kind words and for listening, we really appreciate your ears hun. You have probably noticed that Baden cracks me up too 😉 Lots of love to you and the fam!!!! Shellxx