HAYWAY Episode 35 – Huaraz, Peru
We have left the desert behind and have climbed back into the mountains following the River Santa to Huaraz in Peru’s famous Cordillera Blanca. It’s the world’s biggest mountain range outside of the Himalayas. Seems we can’t get enough of the Andes.
You get a bit of a cycle touring warts and all How Are You? Where Are You? podcast this week. Our stomachs have been rumbling (in a bad way) and Shelley experienced some strange esophageal feelings while on her bike.
Baden’s lunch will annoy pet lovers out there and Shelley rocks out her translation skills as we interview Luis D’Angelo, a legendary Trujillo host of cycle tourers from around the world.
Come along for the ride!
Casa de Ciclistas in Trujillo

Clockwise from top left: logo for Trujillo cycling house; Luis the owner; Baden at the offending market restaurant; Baden with Jean-Baptiste and the miraculous new tyre; Aji de gallina-coloured church.
Visiting Chan Chan

From top: Chan Chan sits in the middle of the coastal desert; Baden and fellow cycle tourist from Brazil Daniel explore the site; restored squirrel art.
Riding Back Into the Andes

From top left and left to right: Baden feeling ill; remote mountain restaurant; reaching a paved road; the tunnels in Cañon del Pato; heading from the coast to the mountains; lunch in the shade of the canyon wall; crossing the Rio Santa; mototaxi licence plate; heading for Cañon del Pato; Cañon del Pato tunnel in the foreground and hydro dam behind.
Yunguay Earthquake Memorial

From top and left to right: View of the memorial park with mountain behind; crushed bus; replica facade of the church, one of the huge boulders from the mountain that wreaked such destruction; remains of the original church.
Street Scenes

Clockwise from top left: fruit seller with traditional hat; Inca Kola advert; street knife sharpener; guinea pig , or cuy, for lunch; guinea pig mascot outside restaurant.
Our Ride Back Into the Andes
Doing great you two! Peru! Love the stories!
Be careful out there!
Love you!