11 Apr

Peak blubber

One thing I have learned in the first week of our journey is that pretty much anyone can be a cycle tourist.

I’ve heard the likes of cycle touring blogger Tom Allen say you don’t have to be fit to do a tour, but I never really believed him.

My experience of cycling so far has been as a commuter where no training is required and as a sportive rider.  When preparing for sportive events you need to train for endurance, stamina and speed (if you are a show-off) and I’ve also learned nutrition is important to last an eight hour day in the saddle.

IMG_20150402_134001632 The needle just kept turning

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07 Apr

HAYWAY podcast episode 2

In breaking news this hour…we are actually doing this cycle trip thing. We left from London on April 4th and recorded the second episode of our podcast soon after we boarded the ferry at Harwich bound for the Netherlands.

As always your tips and feedback are welcome.
